Clean Personal Care, Skin Care & Beauty Products

What you put on and around your skin matters!

The toxins in everyday products contribute to your symptoms of ill health and weight gain. They also harm your skin. Switching to nontoxic skincare, personal care, and makeup will reduce your symptoms, improve your health, and improve your looks!

Toxins in our everyday skincare, personal care, and makeup products contribute to:

  • Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Fatigue
  • Weight Issues
  • ADHD/ Anxiety/ Depression
  • Brain fog
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Gut issues
  • Infertility
  • Hormone issues
  • Thyroid issues and the list goes on…..

Toxins in our homes and everyday products also affect how we look:

  • Hair loss
  • Wrinkles/Loss of elasticity
  • Uneven skin color/under-eye circles
  • Dryness/Acne
  • Rashes
  • Weight gain

Many “clean” beauty brands are on the market today. Many claim to be clean and are not. They are untrustworthy about their products’ ingredients and do not test for contaminants.

I look at all product ingredients and read tests for contaminants when they are available before and after formulation. If contaminant testing is unavailable, I do not fully trust a product.

I consistently find Beautycounter one of the few genuinely safe choices in all categories. The ingredients are safe and come up still safe after 3rd party testing.

Beautycounter performs better than mainstream products, especially in the skincare category. They also receive many mainstream awards for performance!

Though Beautycounter does not make every product, I do the necessary research to recommend alternate safe brands for all your needs. I do not rely on apps to check ingredients or decide if a product is clean because apps can only evaluate the ingredients listed on the product label and not reveal toxic metals switch to metals or contaminants.

Since Beautycounter does not offer every category or product my clients request, I find additional genuinely safe beauty and personal care products for you when you schedule a clean product consultation!

Additionally, I use some safe personal care, baby care, and home care products from Earthley and can recommend them with knowledge.

Free Skincare Consultation– Facetime, phone, or email consultation about your skin issues; I send you an individualized plan and ways to save. You will also receive a customized plan and additional health tips to improve your skin issues when you receive your products!

Free Makeup Shade Matching– Facetime, phone, or email consultation. You send a picture of you in natural light, and I will send you the right shades to switch all your makeup to clean! Or send me your current favorite shades, and I will share a Beautycounter match!

Paid – Individualized Makeup Tutorial and Plan– have your makeup done by me in person, or have a customized tutorial over video/facetime based on your features and problem areas! I show you how to bring out your features and apply your products to look your best, most youthful. We start with discerning your undertones and your color matching before the meeting.

Paid- Consultation– I find you a personal care, skin care, or beauty product free of toxins just right for your issues and needs that Beautycounter does not make. I send you a link to order it and follow up to see if you are satisfied.